Google's New Feature: Adding Social Media Links to Business Profiles

Google has recently unveiled an exciting feature for businesses: the ability to add social media links directly to their Google Business Profiles. This development marks a significant shift from the previous reliance on Google's algorithms to associate a business's profile with their social media channels, which often led to errors or no association at all.

How is this new feature a game-changer, and what are its implications for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)?

What's New in Google Business Profiles?

Direct Linking to Social Media

Businesses can now link their social media profiles, such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok, and YouTube, directly to their Google Business Profiles. This feature ensures accurate representation and helps in streamlining the customer's journey from search to social media engagement.

By integrating social media links, businesses can improve their visibility not just on Google Search but also on Google Maps. The feature allows potential customers to easily access a business's social media for deeper insights, updates, and customer service, fostering better engagement and trust.


Benefits for Businesses in Rugby, Warwickshire

Local SEO Boost

For businesses in Rugby, adding social media links can significantly impact local SEO. These links provide more avenues for Google to understand and categorise a business, improving its relevance and ranking in local search results.

Enhanced Online Reputation

Businesses can leverage their social media reviews and ratings, particularly from platforms like Facebook, to enhance their Google Business Profile. This integration can lead to an improved online reputation, a key factor in attracting local clientele.

Diverse Marketing Channels

The feature allows businesses to showcase their presence on various social media platforms, enabling them to reach a broader audience. This diversity is particularly beneficial for Rugby businesses, as it caters to both local residents and visitors.


How to Utilise the New Feature

  1. Adding Links: To add a social media link, businesses need to access their Google Business Profile, select ‘Edit profile,’ then ‘Business information,’ and ‘Contact.’ Under ‘Social profiles,’ they can add the desired link.

  2. Editing and Removing Links: Businesses can edit these links or remove them by following similar steps. Notably, Google may automatically add social media links to eligible profiles, which businesses can modify as needed.


Enhanced Digital Presence

Google's new feature of adding social media links to Business Profiles is a substantial step forward, especially for small and medium-sized businesses in Rugby, Warwickshire. It not only enhances online visibility but also aligns with the evolving expectations of consumers who seek a seamless online experience.

Moreover, this development is pivotal for SEO strategies, as it provides businesses with more control over their online presence and reputation. As the feature rolls out, Rugby businesses should capitalise on this opportunity to solidify their digital footprint both locally and beyond.


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